Total Token Supply
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 FPEPE Tokens
Token Contract Address
Smart Contract Address: TBD (The official address will be announced soon. Always verify through our official channels before making transactions.)
Token Distribution Details
IDO Sales
20% of total supply (200,000,000 tokens)
5% of total supply
10% unlocked at TGE.
Remaining balance unlocked linearly within 6 months, based on an annual plan.
Partner Sales
13% of total supply
8% available at TGE.
Vested 10% monthly linearly, over 12 months.
Private Sales
17% of total supply
10% available at TGE.
Vested 10% monthly linearly, over 12 months.
10% of total supply
10% unlocked at TGE.
Remaining balance unlocked linearly within 24 months, based on an annual plan.
Staking and Incentives
25% of total supply
5% unlocked at TGE.
Remaining balance unlocked linearly within 24 months, based on an annual plan.
CEX Listing
5% of total supply
Reserved for centralized exchange listings to boost liquidity and accessibility.
5% of total supply
10% unlocked at TGE.
Remaining balance unlocked linearly within 24 months, based on an annual plan.
(The token allocation is tentatively set as above. Subsequent changes will be made here in a timely manner. Please pay close attention to the official announcement.)
Last updated